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Writer's pictureCharlotte Frost


So nice to be at it again, but bummer to find a big OOPS!

Major bummer to go back and look for when Clark Sawyer, Lorraine's current beau, arrived on the scene, and a search of "Clark" through the Adventure series revealed that the leader of the band Hutch played with for a while was named... Clark Taylor! How could I have given two different characters so-similar names and never noticed? I first wrote about Clark Taylor in 2015, and once I was done with his character, I started writing about Clark Sawyer being Lorraine's boyfriend a few stories later. Today is the first time I discovered this major oops. None of my regular readers ever said anything, and I can think of at least one who surely would have pointed it out if she'd noticed.

It's tempting to go back and change the band leader name to something else altogether, since he was mentioned in fewer stories, but if nobody noticed anyway...

Now that I'm getting to be something of a wizard at using Scrivener software, and plus having another software to track timelines, a part of me just wants to put the entire massive Adventure project on hold while I go back and sketch it all out, after-the-fact, so I don't have oopsies like this happening again. But it goes against my nature to stop moving forward in the name of giving priority to going back. I'd like to think I can do both at the same time, but I think I sort of need to be independently wealthy and not working to give such an endeavor that investment of time.

It's just such an ouch to discover this Clark thing!

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