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Writer's picture: Charlotte FrostCharlotte Frost

I'm pretty worthless on Thursdays in the summer.

Corkboard for Newest Adventure Story

I always watch "Yellowstone" a second time, first thing in the morning, and catch a lot of stuff I missed the first time through. I joined a FB group for fans and they've got over 40,000 members. So, lots of discussion and civility can go down fast, lol. But it's hard to think about anything else for while. But only three more episodes, then will have to wait until next June for season three.

The latest "Adventure" story is up to 80k and it's probably three-fourths finished, or perhaps a little closer than that. I've pretty much just been writing on the weekends, but I can do a whole thread that way. Don't know if I'll try to get it finished, polished and posted before vacation next month, but it's possible.

I also would like to get back to a standalone story I started earlier in the summer, but it's going to have to wait. It was fun thinking about being in a different environment.

For that matter, I go through bouts where I think about writing my life story, though it wouldn't be in a typical way. That's something that's going to need to gel for quite a while.

I always pay attention when I see daily progress organizers like this:

A Productivity Journal

I have an organized way of thinking, and so this sort of organization always appeals to me at first glance. But at second glance... nah. Too regimented. Too much encouragement to judge and evaluate oneself. I like to find joy in most moments, any way that I can. Quantifying things and thinking in terms of do/don't, good/bad, yes/no, black/white... doesn't work for me anymore. I certainly use various apps that are very helpful, but they don't require me to judge my day or week or whatever.

I did recently discover the app Notion. I'm excited about the possibilities but haven't been in a spot yet where I ready to delve into it in a big way.

August is traditionally one of the slowest months for work. But I've got two clients who filed tax extensions that are due September 15th, so I need everything done by August 31st since I'll be going on vacation in early September. One is a long-time client who still needs to get me some credit card statements, and the other is a new client who has a big mess and needs the entire year of 2018 done. I already did the first quarter, so I could get an idea of the scope and quote him a flat fee. Since it all sounded iffy, I was surprised that he paid for that first quarter immediately and got me the rest of his documents promptly. So, I've got that to do in the next three weeks. It'll be a nice income boost for the summer.

I'm still toying with the idea of a prolonged road trip to New England at a future point. I think I've pretty much settled on May of 2021. That'll give plenty of time to eagerly anticipate and prepare, and I might open a savings account so I can put money away, because a 14-18 day trip will be pretty expensive with dog kenneling and motel stays.

I love looking forward to things.

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