A lovely surprise when I returned home.
So, I returned home on Thursday. On Friday, my neighbor gave me my mail from when I'd been away.
I quickly sorted the mail into the important stuff and junk, and opened the important stuff. On Sunday afternoon, I finally got around to going through the junk pile, to make sure it was truly junk before throwing it away. There was an envelope from Amica, which has my car and homeowner's insurance. I opened it and inside was a check for over $2000. Huh?????
I was delighted and confused. The check stub didn't contain much information, but just called it a reimbursement of "overpayment". I went online to look at my account, and apparently when my refinance closed 60 days ago, double the amount necessary was withheld for homeowner's insurance, and so now they were refunding the duplication.
I was over the moon. I'd been thinking about how I needed to transfer money out of savings, from the refi, to pay for my vacation. Turns out, new money arrived to cover a huge chunk of the expense. Lovely surprises like that make me so, so happy.
I so love how the universe works. When I was traveling, sometimes I'd get stuck in a city and "waste" a lot of time looking for the road I wanted to get on to go where I wanted to go next. And then it would turn out that because of the delay, I'd stay in town that night different from what I'd intended -- only to discover the next morning that the hotel was on the very road I needed to take next. I love those kinds of happenings that we call "coincidence", when I know there is no such thing. I love being open to universal consciousness. It makes life so much easier and fun.