I am so in love with life right now.

It is so much fun playing with the universe. Hee!
Watching how things interact. Seeing ongoing evidence, however flustered or delighted I might be in a situation, that I am in total control of my own experience.
Relishing how just small little day-to-day things are demonstrations that, to borrow a phrase, "something is happening here", that has little to do with the five physical senses.
There's a yummyness in understanding that all is well.
The most difficult thing is walking out into the world and hearing others complain about this and that -- some more understandably in states of distress than others. But that is a game, too -- seeing how long I can retain my sense of being a Part of the Wondrousness Of It All, when among others who see only worry and concern.
When I'm home, that's rarely a challenge. I live with dogs. They don't worry much about anything. Even when they do something I'd rather they didn't, such as rushing full speed out to the fence to yap at the neighbor, it's difficult not to get caught up in the sheer joy of them expressing their doggy-ness.
I'm looking forward to things I'm wanting to do in the next few months. Some seem more like chores at the present time, so I'll wait for the right moment when those tasks feel like inspired action, rather than something that "needs to" be done.
I got my Notion app set up so that I've got a daily template to bring my focus in to the things I want to give thought to on an ongoing basis, because I'd like to experience them in this lifetime. It's amazing how exhilaration builds on itself, and just a few minutes of rampaging can make one feel on top of the universe.
My future vacation to New England, that I'm planning for May of 2021, is no longer a trip to New England. It's my Freedom Vacation. I wavered for a while over whether I should drive or fly -- never mind that I'm not anywhere near needing to make a decision yet -- and now it seems ridiculous that it was ever a question. New England is the destination, but what I'm really after is to ride that wave of Freedom that I'm so familiar with. It never gets old. And to feel free means being in my car, so I can go wherever I want whenever I want. I'm setting up a savings account this month, so I can experience the exhilaration of watching the balance grow over the next year and a half.
Some thirty years ago, I was the Maid of Honor of my friend's wedding on horseback in Montana. During a pleasure ride before the wedding, I saw the amazing scenery of her husband-to-be's ranch, including the Teton River running through it, and deer darting out of the bushes. Years later, my friend was chuckling at the recollection of how I was oohing and aahing over every little thing.
Life isn't being lived if one can't find reasons to ooh and aah.