All the more so for how unexpected it was.
Some 25 or 30 years ago, I was a member of a book club and one particular month I accepted the feature suggestion, which was Pillars of the Earth. I read this 600+ page novel and was blown away. Decades later, I still remembered scenes and characters from it. Perhaps ten year ago, I happened to switch on the Oprah show, and there she had Ken Follett talking about the book all these years after it was first published, and Oprah herself oohed and aahed over the richness of the characters. So, I was all the more amazed that others had loved it to the degree that I had.
On Friday evening, I happened to be clicking on TV channels and came across a series of Pillars of the Earth. I was delighted to find that all eight episodes, from way back in 2010, were available on demand. So, I decided that's what I would do on Saturday -- binge watch. It was so engrossing and such a delight.
Then on Sunday, I got an email about an update to an old PC horse racing game I used to play. I had abandoned it only because I lost my pretend-years of building up my stable in a hard-drive crash, and therefore switched to playing on online games. Via the email, I found out something called Steam, which is a portal for thousands of games. From there, I found an old Age of Empires that I used to love playing on my PC, many years ago. So, I downloaded that and played for some four solid hours last night.
So, the weekend was like a great big "Merry Christmas!" and all the more delightful for being so unexpected.
Just when I start feeling like my life is too proactively managed for me to be surprised and bedazzled, the universe finds some way of surprising and bedazzling me. I so love life and All That Is.